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Critchfield’s attorneys have many years of experience working with couples that are considering entering into a prenuptial agreement. We’ll explain the legal consequences of entering into such agreements and the financial disclosures that are necessary.

Entering into a prenuptial (also called an antenuptial) agreement can be an important mechanism for future spouses to protect assets acquired prior to marriage, and, in cases of second or third marriage, preserving assets for children born of those earlier relationships. A carefully drafted and mutually agreed upon prenuptial agreement allows for a simplified and streamlined distribution of assets in the event of divorce or death. Issues such as whether either spouse will pay alimony (and in what amount for how long), rights to individually or shared real or personal property, the management of business, and even rights to pensions and insurance policies may be addressed in prenuptial agreements.

Our attorneys can also develop alternate premarital plans to protect assets from divorce or spousal estate claims by utilizing special trusts in the event a prenuptial agreement is desired but not feasible.

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