At its annual banquet, the Wooster Area Chamber of Commerce recognized Critchfield, Critchfield & Johnston, Ltd. as well as firm member Tricia L. Pycraft for their contributions to the Chamber and to the Wooster community.
The Chamber presented its Board of Directors Award to the firm for its significant contributions to the Chamber and to the community. Managing Member Amy L. Demlow accepted the award on behalf of the firm. “As a business, we have people that we want to see develop and give back to the community,” remarked Demlow. “We think that the Chamber is an obvious organization to support and be a part of.” Demlow further highlighted the firm’s involvement in the Chamber and in Wooster through its sponsorship of a number of local organizations and their activities, as well as the role that many of its attorneys play in those organizations through board involvement and fundraising activity.
Critchfield attorney Tricia L. Pycraft was recognized by the Chamber with its Leadership Wooster Distinguished Alumni Award. Pycraft completed the Leadership Wooster program in 2007, early in her legal career with Critchfield. Since that time, she has demonstrated her leadership both in the firm and in the greater Wooster community, serving on a number of charitable boards, including OneEighty, the Wayne County Public Library, Wooster Noon Lions, Wayne Center for the Arts, Care & Share, and the Wayne County Chapter of the American Red Cross. Pycraft, who grew up in Shreve, attended Denison University as well as The Ohio State University, where she earned her law degree.
Tagged In:Amy DemlowTricia PycraftWooster Chamber