The attorneys and staff at CCJ continuously aim to improve our health and overall wellness. This year, the program that assists us, ERC Health, nominated us for an award. Although we did not win, we received the Health Academy Award for Culture of Excellence-Honorable Mention
Below is the letter submitted on our behalf.
Within their time in the pool, Critchfield, Critchfield & Johnston has embraced the main components of ERC Health by substantially increasing participation on all program levels. Understanding the roles within their legal practice, CCJ realized the need to promote health and wellness relevant to their corporate culture. CCJ utilizes the support of their Wellness Committee to communicate programming at all five main branches of this law firm. Even with experiencing location constrains, they have seen success with many behavior change programs and have strengthened the overall wellness culture.
Critchfield has also utilized available technology to hold their one-on-one heath consultations to increase access to their assigned Health Coach and plan to continually use innovative approaches to take their wellness programming to the next lever. Strong leadership support through partner involvement has also been the fundamental motivator as they continues to process within the ERC health program. CCJ’s continued high levels of participation and program buy-in has earned the nomination of our ERC Health Culture of Excellence Award.